
My God Loves Me. Psalm 86:5-13

I wanted to remind all of you that God loves you today. His love is unfailing and has been demonstrated to us by his grace and mercy. I can't think of anything more reassuring than this fact: the God of the universe loves me. Carry that truth around with you today.

Psalm 86:5-13
5 You are forgiving and good, O Lord,
abounding in love to all who call to you.

6 Hear my prayer, O LORD;
listen to my cry for mercy.

7 In the day of my trouble I will call to you,
for you will answer me.

8 Among the gods there is none like you, O Lord;
no deeds can compare with yours.

9 All the nations you have made
will come and worship before you, O Lord;
they will bring glory to your name.

10 For you are great and do marvelous deeds;
you alone are God.

11 Teach me your way, O LORD,
and I will walk in your truth;
give me an undivided heart,
that I may fear your name.

12 I will praise you, O Lord my God, with all my heart;
I will glorify your name forever.

13 For great is your love toward me;
you have delivered me from the depths of the grave.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that is a great message today!
and you know what?
those last two verses!
those two are that song!!!!
: )