
In His Joy! Matthew 13:44

Rarely, and maybe never again, will you see one lone verse for the daily post. This verse is the perfect follow-up for yesterday's post (go read it if you haven't already), and beautifully explains what Jesus means by finding your life.

The man who finds the kingdom of heaven in Jesus Christ has no less joy than the man who finds a treasure. He is willing to give up everything for this treasure. He will sell his possessions, endure riducule from his family and friends, run the risk of losing his job and everything else he may value. And he will do it all with great joy, for the treasure he has found far outweighs any earthly possession or relationship.

In his joy he bought the field!

Matthew 13:44
44"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field!

1. What do you like in this passage?
2. What is difficult about this passage?
3. What did you learn about God?
4. What is He leading you to do?
5. What part will you take with you and think about today?

Want to read more? Click here for the rest of the chapter.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i like this one...
the fact is...
is that...
when you find Jesus... you dont want to give it up!